Keefe Family

Victoria Wegner – Birth Certificate

Victoria Wegner is Dolores Keefe’s Grandmother on her Father’s side of the family.

Chris Keefe’s translation – 12/14/09

The first line seems to be in Polish.
The second line on…

nata die vigesima Decembris
anno millesimo octingentesimo sexa-
gesimo octavo in Wenecya (sp?)
paroccia Wenecya Archidiocesis
(…) Victoria filia legi-
timatori Martini Wegner et
Dorotheae (….) mari-
torum religionis catholicae bapti-
zata est in ecclesia (Venetensi) die
vigesima secunda Decembris anno
millesimo octingentesimo sexagesimo
octavo 1868
in fidem etc. etc.

Translation of the preceding follows.

Born on the 20th of December in the year 1868
in the parish of (Wenecya);
Wenecya of the Archdiocese of (?). 
Victoria, daughter of legitimately married

Martin Wegner and Dorothea…
was baptized in the church of (Venetensi)
on the twenty second day of December of 1868.
In faith, etc. etc.

I think the rest is in Polish.
I’m not sure about the stuff in parenthesis – or the spelling!
Hope this helps! 

– Chris Keefe